It has taken a change in the case manager (not my doing) in order for a new/old approach to be included in the planning for Paul and his services. Several years ago I set up a phone meeting between Paul's then case manager and his care services coordinator and aid every two months.
These were not too bad, however, Paul's services were unavailable or something came up and soon the meetings were never followed through witnessed in Paul's life by the family having to remove these services and throw a huge fit.
Now, with Cris, she is more organized and actually not wore out as she cares to put forth the effort and so she initiated a phone call one a month between Mom, Amy (Coordinator) the nurse, Teresa, myself and Cris. I like monthly followup visits as then we can be more pro-active and less reactive. This actually addresses issues when they are small and minute compared to the ones that are crazy and having to solve an issue that has grown to a problem involving health and safety issues needing fixed now. Think I am going to like Cris.
Hopefully Cris will not be looking like Cavin's mom. LOL
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