Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Things to Do Before Semi-Annual Meeting

Follow me on Twiddle my thumbs. I Love the morning of the meetings!

WHY? (you ask)

Because it is when I have uninterrupted time to simply get my head organized for the meeting and some necessary downtime and catchup.

Life is important and I must live in mine. My life without Paul involved. It is similar to having or living in two separate worlds.

So the drive over allows me the time to transition and get my head back into guardianship mode and out of my life.

I need the separation time.

Come the morning of the meeting, I am ready to interact and live this world for the day.

Catching up on what has been going on with Paul and his care via emails, posted care notes, and doctor's visits is completed after breakfast and where the only noise is the hum of the coolers in the "breakfast nook" or the sound of the TV in the background.

One thing I learned in all the meetings and interactions is that I am more able to address those items we cover at these meetings and remember to follow through on those items we covered at the previous one by having this separation and me time before.

It also opens opportunities for sharing.

The thing I LOVE the most is that I get an opportunity to share about "The Standley Foundation for Traumatic Brain Injury"! Getting the word out about a great organization that I am creating for families, caregivers and TBI victims is so important and since I am already thinking about Paul it comes very naturally!!!

And sometimes I simply sit back, breathe and twiddle my thumbs.

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