I love...ABSOLUTELY LOVE having impromptu meetings with Paul's services...mainly his wrap-around caregivers at ORI and his Day services at ORI.
It truly amazes me how much a family guardian can find out from just chatting with those who take care of a family member. I think it also enlightens them as well.
So sorry but these two comics are the best!
Sometimes I am Calvin completely oblivious as to what is going on with the day to day workings of Paul's services and with Paul then one conversation and "SWOOSH!" I feel covered in hundreds of snowballs.
Then there are times, due to me being a mediator of sorts and connector-rod, I figure out that one step was not followed through with and I get the communication back moving smoothly by following through and connecting the missing step.
Example: When I was visiting with Mary she was confused as to a comment that my lil sister made about Paul needing 24 hour care. Mom and I were confuse by this as well. As we talked, I found out that there have been no new orders sent from the orthopedic/physical therapist in Kalispell since 2013. However, my lil sister took Paul this past September and those records and orders were never sent to Paul's services...any of them. I have never received any information on these doctors as well. Mary is going to send me the contact information and I will call them and get all records so that we know what was said and where Paul's services need to go in his care.
In this case, both his services and I were working without some very necessary 'ropes' to connect each segment of his care to what is needed currently. My lil' sister didn't follow through (her weakness---my strength) with his services and medical information. She did do the leg work with getting Paul to his medical appointments (her strength--services weakness) however both Stacey and his services lacked the foresight to ask each other what was needed to change his care. (everyone's weakness honestly)
We have a follow-up meeting on the 28th of January and I am going to make sure that everyone has what they need in order to make sure we are all on the same page.
These impromptu meetings or visits are key in finding out what we all need to do to stay together in Paul's care.
I have enjoyed getting to know each person that has been a part of Paul's life. They all have given Paul and our family the greatest gift...their time and love.
In the past 28 years I have worked with 5 ORI day coordinators, 50 to 60 care-givers through 6 home hospice services, 4 state case managers and 3 of their supervisors and 4 state RNs, plus 4 different rental agencies and over 100 different medical professions. Other than about 4 of these I have met with personally over the years and I feel they are amazing. Oh, and yes, most were impromptu meetings. Just love these. The planned ones are a bit of a struggle sometimes. But THAT is another blog. ;-)
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